Concentration: You need 2 sets of flashcards for this game. Place both sets face down on the floor. Ss take turns in turning over 2 cards (saying the cards aloud). If the cards match then the S keeps the cards. If the cards are different the cards are turned back over again in their original places. The S with the most pairs at the end of the game is the winner.
Concentration 2: Level: requires basic reading. Make a set of cards. On half of them put a picture of a theme related subject (for example body parts, food, furniture etc) on the other half put the word relating to each picture (ex. nose, mouth, lips, eye...). Laminate if possible. Place all cards face down on the table. The first player turns two at a time (or three for the very young) over to match the word to the picture. If it matches the player can keep the pair if not, the cards are returned and then next player goes. These cards can also be used so that a child or team simply matches the words to the pictures.